

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools promotes mutual respect and civility among everyone involved in an athletics competition or event including coaches, student-athletes, game officials, school administrators, police and security personnel, families, school community, and the public. The intent of good sportsmanship is to maintain, to the greatest extent possible, a safe, harassment-free athletic competition and event site for everyone in attendance.


Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools takes seriously the ejection of any individual from an athletics competition or event as the ejection would be the result of an action that includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Behavior that interferes with or threatens to interfere with the operation of the competition or event.
  • Behavior resulting in loud and/or offensive language, swearing, or cursing.
  • Behavior that threatens to do bodily or physical harm to anyone involved with the operation of the competition or event.
  • Any other behavior that disrupts the orderly operation of the competition or event.

An individual ejected from an athletics contest or event must depart the venue for the remainder of the competition.

The ejection may also result in an individual receiving a ban from attending CMS athletic competitions and events.


A student-athlete and/or coach ejected from a contest will adhere to NCHSAA and CMS ejection penalties.

  • NCHSAA – ejection from an athletics contest results in:
    – A one-game sit-out in football and a two-game sit-out in all other sports. In addition, the NCHSAA automatically doubles any ejection for fighting.
    – The individual ejected must complete the NFHS sportsmanship and/or teaching & modeling behavior course as applicable.
  • CMS automatically doubles the NCHSAA ejection penalty.
    NOTE: An ejection for fighting is already doubled by the NCHSAA. CMS does not double that doubled ejection.


NCHSAA: Sportsmanship – The quality of responsible behavior characterized by a spirit of generosity and a genuine concern for opponents, officials and teammates. (From the NCHSAA Handbook)
Students and spectators should:

  • Realize you represent the school as does a member of the team; therefore, you have an obligation to be a true sportsman, encouraging through this behavior the practice of good sportsmanship by others.
  • Recognize that good sportsmanship is more important than victory by approving and applauding good team play, individual skill and outstanding examples of sportsmanship and fair play exhibited by either team.
  • Remember the primary purpose of interscholastic athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social and emotional well-being of the players through the medium of contest.
  • Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
  • Respect the judgment and integrity of game officials.
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